Cabral Concept: Wellness | Weight Loss | Anti Aging I Detox L Functional Medicine

2983: Hemiplegic Migraines, Headaches & Periods, Biological Dentists, Reaction to B Vitamins, AirPods & EMFs (HouseCall)



Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows! This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track! Check out today's questions:    Kristina: My seven year old son had a strange episode at school that mimicked a stroke. The school nurse called and described my son's situation to me. His right leg, right arm and right side of his face were heavy and hard to move. He was unable to articulate what was going on. Ended up in ER where he had a CT scan. We followed up with an EEG a couple days later. All came back normal and they are guessing he had a hemipalegic migraine because everything resolved with no residual side effects. I'm curious what you know about these types of migraines and how to not experience any again.   Renta: Hi Dr Cabral, thank you for your help. I’m a 38 year old woman who is healthy. I eat well, keep toxic products out of my home and lift weights 2-3 times per week. I’ve been dealing with this problem for over 2