Southside Community Church - Milton

Meeting Jesus again, for the first time -"I am the first and the last, and the living one."



Speaker: Ian Campbell Sunday, May 20 2018 Meeting Jesus again, for the first time How would you introduce yourself with the words "My name is.. I am.."? Jesus introduced himself using nine different ideas. His good friend John remembered these and tells us how and when Jesus spoke about them. As we begin to dig deep into the eyewitness stories about the life of Jesus this may be a good way for us to begin to meet Jesus again, for the first time. "I am the first and the last, and the living one." Rev 1.18 John heard Jesus make statements about his identity in a new way when he had a vision of the risen Jesus while he was an exile on the prisoner island of Patmos. Now we see a very full caricature of Jesus as we are transported with John into a heavenly setting. This great statement gives full meaning to Jesus' claims that he is the "I am" and the "resurrection and the life."