Eventing Podcast

When Nicole Met ... Lara de Liedekerke-Meier



Dive into the inspiring journey of Lara de Liedekerke-Meier. Discover how Lara's passion for horses, combined with her competitive spirit propelled her to become one of the world's top event riders. From her earliest memories with ponies to facing challenges and triumphs on the international stage, Lara shares insights into her life, her approach to the sport, and the horses that have marked her career.  Listen for free across all podcast platforms. Guests: Lara de Liedekerke-Meier is a renowned Belgian equestrian. Growing up in a family passionate about horses, Lara got her first pony at seven and has successfully balanced her academic pursuits, including achieving a BSc in Business Administration and a MSc in Business Sciences from the Institut des Hautes Etudes Commerciales in Brussels, with her equestrian career. Lara made a notable entrance at the Badminton Horse Trials in 2014, finishing in 10th place with Ducati van den Overdam. Over the years, she has represented Belgium at various levels of European