Leave Your Mark

How to Be A Swiss Army Knife with Andrew Eaton



This EP features Andrew Eaton.  Andrew is a teacher, who integrates traditional strength training, mindset coaching, and brain-based physical training. He found his way to weight training as a response to being bullied in middle school. The lessons learned there laid the foundation for an entire career.  After college, he was certain that a radio career was the next step in his journey, but he found himself instead writing and editing a periodical for back-care professionals. Then, ten words on a flyer at the gym changed his trajectory - advertising the first personal training certification course on the East Coast.  Shortly after completing that course, a chance encounter while visiting family found him relocating halfway across the US to take a ground-floor position in the facility the Chicago Bulls called home. Once there, like many 'fitness nerds,' he set out to learn as much as possible, wanting to become something of a fitness Swiss Army knife. He also met his wife and her son, and they had tw