Bossed Up

Your Cover Letter Is Better With Bullet Points



Writing cover letters is stressful. If I surveyed a thousand job seekers about their least favorite parts of the job search, I bet most of them would put this task near the top of their list. But as awful as they can be, they’re still important and can help set you apart. A good cover letter lets you highlight the most important details of your application right away. Here’s my straightforward, bullet point-based cover letter strategy that will help you curb the overwhelm and get right to the point. Keeping the reader engaged through the first page of your application goes a long way to getting your foot in the interview room door. Discover my go-to template for creating an impactful cover letter every time:Why white space and brevity will land your cover letter on the top of the stack;How to harness the awesome power of the rule of three;Step-by-step instructions for creating your own low-stress, speedy cover letter writing strategy.Related Links:Hired: my Job Search Accelerator -