Strength Chat By Kabuki Strength

Architect of Resilience #012: Stan Efferding talks with Chris Duffin



Chris Duffin sits down with the legendary Stan Efferding, a man who has smashed powerlifting records, achieved IFBB pro status, and innovated nutrition with the Vertical Diet. Stan is here to share his invaluable experience, from working hand-in-hand with the elite, such as NFL football players and strongmen, to his personal journey through health and fitness. In this episode, we're delving deep into the world of managing stressors, the disciplined use of checklists, and the critical role of tracking progress for achieving peak performance. Stan walks us through his methods, from his meticulous monitoring of his clients' sleep, weight, and meals, to the profound insights gained from hundreds of blood tests that guide lifestyle interventions. Chris Duffin shares his own personal health discoveries, underlining the conversation about the significance of comprehensive blood panels, especially when dealing with conditions like hashimoto's, low testosterone, and thyroid problems. The discussion illuminates how res