The Dm's Deep Dive With Mike Shea

Run Evil Cities – Examining Vandekhul from Empire of the Ghouls



Mike dives into running the evil city of Vandekhul and the freedom it gives heroic characters to be jerks! Video Contents 00:00 Show Start 01:38 Number One Tip for Running Evil Cities 04:56 Ghoulish Elizabethian Politics in the Center of the Underworld 06:08 The Yojimbo / Fistful of Dollars Adventure Model 20:08 Double Check Your Session Zero Lines and Veils 22:38 Turning the In-World Safety Dials 26:26 Dungeons Everywhere 30:45 Adding Nice Places the Characters (and Players) Can Rest 35:55 Adding Nice People to Meet and Care About 37:31 Adding Physical Layers of History Show Links Visit the Sly Flourish Blog Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter Support Sly Flourish on Patreon Buy Sly Flourish Books Empire of the Ghouls Dyson's Maps Dyson's Patreon