Law Enforcement Today Podcast

A Service Dog Helped Save This Police Officer's Life. Special Episode



A Service Dog Helped Save This Police Officer's Life. Special Episode. A police detective in New Jersey, found himself facing challenges beyond the ordinary. A former Marine Corps reservist deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan, he encountered the harsh realities of combat firsthand. It was during his service in Afghanistan that a grenade blast left him with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Hearing Loss, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Returning home, Andrew resumed his police career, but the scars of war weighed heavily upon him. The invisible wounds threatened to consume him, pushing him to the brink of despair. However, amidst the darkness, a beacon of hope emerged in the form of his faithful companion, Gunner, a service dog specially trained to assist him. A Service Dog Helped Save This Police Officer's Life. Special Episode. Gunner, along with other people, played a pivotal role in Andrew's journey to recovery. Their unwavering support and companionship helped him navigate the tumultuous waters o