Dear Men

303: 'Boys have as rich an inner life as girls do.' (ft. Nat Damon of Reach Academy for Young Men))



When you were a boy, did you feel comfortable being your full self?Did you feel at ease around becoming a man -- like you knew what that meant and smoothly moved into that identity?We live in a world where boys and young men often feel like it's not safe to be themselves, and where it can be confusing to grow into manhood.According to Nat Damon, who runs Reach Academy for Young Men, "what boys need is to be seen and heard." And for boys who need healthy role models in terms of what it means to be a mature, healthy man, places like Reach are lifelines.Reach Academy gives boys a place to learn, grow, express themselves, bond with peers, and learn about leadership in a grounded way. Mentors there ask themselves questions like, "How can we help them to see the positive elements of being a man, while at the same time addressing the roots of toxic masculinity?" And, "How do you create a hope-filled atmosphere?"It's more important than ever to have places where people who identify as