Earth Ancients

Destiny: Edward Durand, Irish Geomagnetic Megaliths and Star Constellations



Edward is a writer of poetry, articles, non-fiction books, songs and children's stories. He is an Irish writer based in the ancient landscape of County Sligo. He writes mainly on the topics of Ancient Mysteries, Mysticism, Ecology, Metaphysics and Life Hacks. Edward has qualifications in Philosophy, Journalism, English, Herbalism and Parapsychology; which are reflected in hs writings. His writing shows us how the power of words can help to bring us to a deeper understanding and show us a glimpse of our true nature.  ​ Edward is the author of Deep in the Heart of Nature and Tree Poghams: Poems inspired by the Wisdom of the Ancient Ogham Tree Alphabet published with Lulu, which is based on the wisdom of the trees of the ancient Irish tree alphabet. Edward has had poems published in various publications and websites. His poem 'The Palaces of Nature' won third prize in the Voicesnet poetry competition. He has also shared his poetry on radio, in youtube videos and in various events and festivals. Edward is current