Bandril Productions

Doctor Who - Pieces of Eight (Episode 2 of 2)



Doctor Who - Pieces of Eight Written by J.R. Southall Storyline The TARDIS brings the Doctor, still saddened at having been rejected by Grace, to a perfect English village green in the spring of 1908. Or does it? Is it really 1908, and is it really England? And just Who is the mysterious stranger known as Stream, the only other occupant of the village? The Doctor must undergo a baffling series of trials before he can get to the truth with tests delivered to him by a variety of unexpected but familiar faces... Pieces of Eight is a full-cast, and completely unofficial and unlicensed audio drama from Bandril Productions. Starring Scott Burditt as the Eighth Doctor With Grant Foxon Philip Fairweather James Maton Paul Jones David Nagel Steven Hill Kurt Bergeron J.R. Southall The Doctor Who theme, incidental music and sound effects are by Westley Smith. With additional editing by Scott Burditt and Paul Jones. Doctor Who Pieces of Eight is produced by Bandril Productions