JavaScript Jabber

031 JSJ history.js



PanelBenjamin Lupton (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Intro to CoffeeScript) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Discussion 01:00 - Benjamin Lupton Introduction and Backgroundhistory.js (twitter / github) Front-end and back-end developer Based in Australia Works full-time open-source 03:19 - history.jsHTML5 History API Hashbang 09:26 - URL appearances10:32 - Maintaining states12:23 - (Joe joins the podcast)12:30 - Framework usage13:42 - Overriding history.js17:33 - JavaScript community and evolution21:10 - Particular problems that history.js is geared toward solving22:07 - Sites implementing history.js37signals 25:18 - Other libraries that do the same thing26:12 - Page reloads32:14 - Browser limitations34:37 - Live event in jQuery35:42 - history.js: a deep or shallow library?37:43 - Resources for history.js Picksbooq: Vyper XL2 (Jamison) Jordan Santell (Jamison) Star Wars: Red Harvest (Joe) Nitro Circus: The Movie (Joe) Arrested Developmen