Extension Calling

Flooding in the Pantry



Food touched by floodwaters can make you very sick.  Discard any and all food if it came in contact with flood water. The only exceptions are foods canned by a manufacturer.  Flooded foods you must discard include anything that was open, fresh produce, meat, and eggs. Throw out any food in boxes, plastic containers, and other packages, including glass jars, even if still sealed.  You must discard home-canned foods if contacted by floodwaters.    Manufactured cans that are dented, leaking, bulging, or rusted; or cans that have been moved by waters and are far from their normal storage spot must also be discarded.  Finally throw out any and All foods that may have been contaminated with industrial waste water, including unopened cans. When in doubt, throw food out! Be sure to record all food that was discarded due to the flood. More information can be found on the CDC disaster webpage or by contacting your county health department.  https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/floods/floodsafety.html https://exte