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Janine Bolon - The8Gates


Synopsis to The8Gates! I am thrilled that you are here. This is the home of spiritual people doing extraordinary things. Hi, I’m Janine Bolon. When I was young I was struck by lightning. This was an experience that I (obviously) lived through, but is the driving factor that inspired me not to waste time by living an unfulfilled life. My original life goal was to be a scientist and have as many different types of experiences as I could. I love people. I enjoy helping them achieve the dreams they’ve set for themselves. It is great fun to assist them as they move from living paycheck-to-paycheck into an abundant life! I have worked as an analytical biochemist, homeschooled four children, published 11 books (and counting) and was married to my college sweetheart for 30 years. In 2010 I was called into active service by the Thunder Clan. What does this mean? I was pulled into my life’s purpose. That purpose is to teach, write and guide spiritual seekers of all paradigms into a deeper relati