SOS Podcast

332: Here's why we need more student podcasters: meet Zach of We the Children



Our special guest this week is Zach, the host of the incredible podcast 'We The Children' Zachary Fox-DeVol, or Zach, is a curious 12-year-old with a passion for the environment and a mind eager to learn more about our planet. In June 2020, during a summer writing project, Zach ventured into the world of podcasting and created "Rule Of The Bark" . This unique podcast, told from a dog's perspective, provides humorous interviews and helpful tips on raising dogs. Zooming ahead to December 2021, Zach’s interest took a serious turn toward climate change. This led to 'We The Children,' where, at 12 years old, he dives into climate discussions and solutions from a youthful viewpoint. The podcast illuminates how kids like him care deeply about Earth's future and their actions' pivotal role in shaping a sustainable planet. In the summer of 2023, Zach was honored to join an Australian Radio Station as a US Ambassador, engaging in enlightening interviews on Funky Kids Radio. Additionally, he’s taken up speaking engageme