Mind Matters

Parenting Self-Care: Looking Out for Number One



Jen Merrill, creator of Laughing at Chaos and author of If This is a Gift, Can I Send It Back?, shares her experience as a parent of a twice-exceptional child and discusses the challenges and benefits of homeschooling. She emphasizes the importance of self-care for parents of gifted and twice exceptional children. Takeaways Parents of gifted and twice exceptional children need to prioritize self-care to better advocate for their children and maintain their own well-being. Twice exceptional children can be both intellectually gifted and face other challenges that make life difficult for them and their families. Homeschooling can provide personalized education and allow children to pursue their passions at their own pace. Homeschooling can have financial and career implications for parents, and it requires careful management of family dynamics. Join the Neurodiversity Podcast Advocacy & Support Group on Facebook! Jen Torbeck Merrill is an Illinois-based writer, musician, marketing project manager,