Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Assault on College Campus by an Acquaintance, Her Powerful Story. Special Episode.



Assault on College Campus by an Acquaintance, Her Powerful Story. Special Episode.She was the victim of a sexual assault on College Campus by an acquaintance and the University covered it up. In our schools and universities, a silent yet pervasive issue persists: acquaintance rape. Megan, a courageous survivor, recounts her traumatic experience of being assaulted by someone she once trusted on her college campus. She bravely shares the harsh reality of her assault and the challenges she faced in seeking justice and how that experience drives her to help others. Despite its widespread occurrence, acquaintance rape often remains concealed, buried under layers of shame, fear, and societal stigma. We call our guest Megan.  Like Megan, many victims grapple with self-doubt and internalized guilt, making it difficult to come forward and identify themselves as survivors. The failure of the legal system to recognize these cases as genuine rape only perpetuates the cycle of injustice, leaving perpetrators unpunished an