Cabral Concept: Wellness | Weight Loss | Anti Aging I Detox L Functional Medicine

2976: GHK Copper Peptide Patches, RhoGAM Shot, Prep for Child’s Surgery, Migraines & Deficiencies, Cleanse Comparisons (HouseCall)



Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows! This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track! Check out today's questions:    Jami: Dr. Cabral, I look forward to your podcasts daily, and the functional medicine research that you provide. I am a registered dietitian and have clients asking about GHK copper peptide patches. There is a company called "Livewave" that sells small patches, and claims to use phototherapy and accupuncture within the patches, to trap infrared energy when placed on the body. I suspect just an MLM to be researched with discernment but have you discussed this at some point? I know you talk some of red light and infrared therapies, but can you tell me what is the most researched phototherapy, and whether or not to your knowledge, these patches would even have logic behind them? Thank you so much for your help.   Alexia Hi Dr. Cabral! Been working with your team a few months now and just want to thank you all f