Fitness Simplified With Kim Schlag

Making Life Easier: Felicity's Transformation Story



Felicity joined Fitter After 40's Fall 2023 round and Wow did she create an amazing transformation! Learn what she did, how she did it, the struggles she faced, how she she overcame them and how you too can create transformation your own life. Want to lose weight and feel more confident in your body? Join the 100s of women over 40 who have lost pounds and inches and gained strength and peace of mind with my 8 week online program ⁠Fitter After 40.  I'll show you exactly how to eat and move for incredible results. Doors open just 2x a year and the next round opens Tuesday April, 2nd.. Get on the waitlist now so you don't miss a thing when doors open (spoiler alert: if you join from the waitlist you get a discount and exclusive bonuses!) Get your name on the list  Free workshop- Exercise for Fat Loss over 40: Your Core 4 Training Priorities   If you are even a little curious if your workouts could be more effective, definite