Hammer Time1987 Podcast

Unveiling the Veep: Modern Dating, Celeb Chatter, and Controversies Unleashed!



Join the captivating journey with the crew of the HammerTime 1987 podcast in this episode as they unravel the mystery of who the GOP Vice Presidential nominee for 2024 could be. Brace yourself as they plunge into the realm of modern dating, featuring a riveting clip from Peral Davis, and prepare to be astonished by Garrick's unexpected perspectives on the topic! Delve deeper into discussions surrounding the enigmatic Michael Keaton, the legendary Bill Belichick, the ever-elegant Kate Middleton (could COVID have unforeseen consequences like cancer?), and the intriguing controversies swirling around select guests at Planet Fitness. Tune in now for yet another electrifying, unapologetically candid podcast experience!