Speak Up With Laura Camacho

E 229 A-List Charisma Mini Episode



Welcome to Speak Up, the podcast for high-performing introverts and ambiverts where we reveal the charisma & communication secrets of A-Listers so you get the recognition and opportunities you deserve. I’m your host Laura Camacho, your magical communication godmother, coach, and strategist. Take note that we now release episodes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.FOR YOU:To give your emerging executives the opportunity to polish theircommunication skills using the Speak Up 360, schedule a quick call. Visit www.speakupwithlaura.com to learn how Laura’s allergy to boring helps leaders speak up and make things better.Want to make the world better? Please leave us a 5-star ⭐️podcast review to help others find this life-altering insight. We appreciate you!WIth Speak Up communication training, individuals learn to enhance their executive presence, influence and confidence, refining their communication style to increase visibility and effectiveness in promotion opportunities. By honing communication skills and f