Happy Mama Movement With Amy Taylor-kabbaz




We've spoken with a number of relationship and sex experts over the years on this podcast - and there's a reason for that. Babies can change so much. For both partners. How do we connect after so much has changed? How do we even know what we want anymore when our bodies feel so different and the time and space we had for our partner has evaporated? The truth is, intimacy and sexual connection can - and often does - take a back seat for the early years. But when you finally do have the space, time and energy to start exploring this important part of yourself again - where do you start? That's what this interview with Daniela Stevens is all about. Daniela Stevens (she/they) is a queer bi+ trauma- and attachment theory-informed certified Sex and Intimacy Coach for couples and individuals of all bodies and all expressions. Named one of the ten best Sex & Intimacy Coaches of 2023, she supports people to experience deep sexual connection and intimacy with themselves and their partner(s) by co-creating a Sex Pra