Hello Beauty

Empowering Confidence: A Dive into Beverly Hills Lingerie with Celine and Joline Nehoray



Welcome to another captivating episode of Hello Beauty, where we dive into the world of beauty and empowerment, exploring the multifaceted layers of what it truly means to feel beautiful from the inside out. I'm your host Joyce Platon, and today, we have a special treat in store for you.In this episode, we're stepping into the realm of intimate apparel with two remarkable women who are not only redefining lingerie but also reshaping the narrative around self-love and inner beauty. Join me as we journey into the luxurious world of Beverly Hills Lingerie, owned by the dynamic duo, Celine and Joline Nehoray.As owners of Beverly Hills Lingerie, Celine and Joline Nehoray have cultivated a brand that goes beyond exquisite lace and satin. Their vision extends far deeper, aiming to instill confidence, celebrate diversity, and promote a profound sense of empowerment through every piece they create.Today, we'll uncover the inspiring story behind Beverly Hills Lingerie, exploring how this brand intertwines the essence o