Corporate Escapees

524 - Mining Sales Gold



What do you do when potential clients say no? In this solo episode, I dive deep into a critical aspect of sales that we often overlook: responding to potential clients' rejections. I share why capturing and using the reasons behind these rejections is crucial. Despite our expertise in implementing sales CRMs for our clients, we often neglect this practice in our operations, missing valuable insights that could turn those nos into future yeses. Whether you're a seasoned tech consultant or new to the field, this episode is packed with insights on turning rejections into opportunities, making your sales process more efficient, and ultimately growing your business. Ready to start mining your sales gold?Resources and LinksPrevious episode: 523 - How You Should be Using Video to Make More Profit with Grant ShaddickCheck out more episodes of The Paul Higgins ShowStrategic Profit Blueprint Join our newsletterFind out more about Paul and how he can help you