Nurah Speaks

(Ep 230) Before Social Media Told Us What To Think



Before Social Media, how did we gain concepts about life: religion, politics, values and self worth?  They were demonstrated by our parents and extended family, school classrooms and playgrounds, through direct interaction, engagement, face to face and person to person interaction. Now we have our heads down in smartphones impeding our communication, taking up the space meant for us to learn how to occupy time and communicate with others.  We now have generations coming behind us who have had smart phones in their hands since age three and four. How will their social deficits impact the society designed for us to live, work and play together when their attention is concentrated in the palms of their hands?  What sort of future can we expect and how can we mitigate the potential for stunted social and intellectual growth created by social media consumption? If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions or topic suggestions to  Listeners can