Bulletproof Radio

A Blueprint to Overhaul the American Food & Pharma Systems – Calley Means : 1146



Today, Calley Means joins the show to march onward on his war path to changing the incentives of modern health. He’s a champion of food and lifestyle practices as medicine—and, in May of this year, he’s putting out a new book on the subject which we outline today, called Good Energy.His sister, Dr. Casey Means, is the co-author of Good Energy. You know her from a past appearance on this show and as the founder of Levels so this mission really is a family affair in the best way possible.Going from a food lobbyist to the other side of the fence, Calley is a deeply serious and dedicated champion for the people. But he brings much more to the table today than a polished delivery and a new book; he is also the co-founder of True Medicine, which works to connect tax-advantaged spending to healthy food and exercise. It’s helped hundreds of thousands of people access affordable care by leveraging the convoluted systems currently in place to block them from doing so—no easy task.In this conversation, Calley lays