Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast

AT#167 - Travel to Israel



The Amateur Traveler talks to Douglas Duckett about his travels to Israel and his popular travel guide to Israel. Douglas has fallen in love not just with the "holy land" but with the modern nation of Israel. We address the issue of "is it safe to travel to Israel" at this time when Israel is at war with the Palestinians in Gaza. He takes us on a virtual trip from the beaches and night life of Tel Aviv, through the working city of Haifa with the beautiful Baha'i gardens and the informative museum about the modern jewish immigration. We stop at Lake Kinneret (also known as The Sea of Galilee, also Sea of Genneseret, or Lake Tiberias) at the town of Tiberius. We make a detour to the historic site of Gamla the "Masada of the North" before turning our face toward Jerusalem. On the way to Jerusalem we stop at Megiddo (Armageddon in the bible) and the roman ruins at Beit-Shean. In Jerusalem we talk about the overwhelming religious and historic significance of the city and how some people come down with " Jerusa