Concord Wesley Umc Sermon Podcast

Sensing Signs (Series Wrap-up)



Scripture Mark 11:1-11 adapted from The Voice Reader: When they had gotten close to Jerusalem, near the two villages of Bethphage and Bethany and the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of His followers ahead of them. Church Veterans: Go to that village over there. As soon as you get into the town, you’ll see a young colt tied that nobody has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it back to Me. If anybody stops you and asks what you’re doing, just say, “The Lord needs it, and He will send it back right after He’s done.” Reader: Everything happened just as Jesus had told them. They found the colt in the street tied near a door, and they untied it. Newcomers: What are you doing? Reader: They answered as Jesus had instructed and were allowed to take it, so they brought the colt back to Jesus, piled garments on its back to make a comfortable seat, and Jesus rode the animal toward Jerusalem. As they traveled, people cast their cloaks onto the road and spread out leafy branches, which they had brought from the fields along