Jj Virgin Lifestyle Show

Break Free From Toxins with Dr. Tom O'Bryan



Do you really know what it’s like to feel great? Dr. Tom O'Bryan is betting you don’t—and that could be a result of toxic exposure. In this conversation, he explains how your body accumulates toxins like microplastics over a lifetime and how they cause low-grade inflammation, odd symptoms, and ultimately, illness. We cover how this phenomenon can potentially affect your thyroid, hormones, and quality of life; what you can do about it; and why even those who eat organic foods and use clean products need to pay attention. If you want to understand the science of toxicity and get clear, actionable advice on lowering your toxic burden, tune in to this episode! Full show notes: jjvirgin.com/inflammationequation Subscribe to my podcast: http://subscribetojj.com Read my book, Sugar Impact Diet: https://store.jjvirgin.com/collections/books/products/sugar-impact-diet-paperback-book Learn more about Dr. Tom O’Bryan: https://thedr.com/about/ Take the Total Tox Burden Test: https://www.vibrant-wellness.com/test/TotalT