Rcv Clips

RCV Education: Collaboration, Accessibility, and Trusted Messengers



In today’s episode, Grace Ramsey, Co-Director of Democracy Rising, and Juli Lucky, Executive Director of Alaskans for Better Elections, discuss the importance of RCV voter and candidate education, the value of building a coalition of education partners, and key concepts to consider when educating voters. Tune in to learn more! Episode transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UnpazwPAKUbsl5uLW4_5t34Y28vkHdYK/view Complete the quick RCV Clips Listener Survey here: https://form-usa.keela.co/rcv-clips-podcast-listener-survey-2023 Resources mentioned in this episode: - Democracy Rising: https://www.wearedemocracyrising.org/ - Alaskans for Better Elections: https://alaskansforbetterelections.com/ - Alaska Division of Elections: https://www.elections.alaska.gov/ - RCV at the Oscars 2022 - FairVote: https://fairvote.org/ranked_choice_voting_at_the_oscars_2022/