Rcv Clips

Elections in Maine: Reflecting on Five Years of Ranked Choice Voting



In today’s episode, Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows discusses protecting the win in Maine (ME), handling continuing education of elections and ranked choice voting (RCV), fighting against efforts to repeal RCV in ME, and looking ahead to RCV in 2024. Tune in to learn more! Resources mentioned in this episode: - Resources for RCV page - Maine SOS: https://www.maine.gov/sos/cec/elec/upcoming/rcv.html - A Timeline of RCV in Maine (PDF) - Maine SOS: https://www.maine.gov/sos/cec/elec/upcoming/pdf/RCVpowerpointtimeline.UpdateJAN2021.pdf - Director, Division of Election Audits & Training - Public Service Manager II (job posting) - Maine SOS: https://mainebhr.hire.trakstar.com/jobs/fk0xoib/ - Final Round: Ben & Jerry’s RCV Practice Election - Better Ballot VT (VPIRG project): https://www.betterballotvermont.org/ben-jerrys-practice-election