The Essential Oil Revolution | Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, And Healthy Living By Samantha Lee Wright |powered By Revolution

406: Natural Ways to Optimize Hormones and Sexual Health with Functional Medicine and Essential Oils with The Girlfriend Doctor, Dr. Anna Cabeca, DO, OBGYN, FACOG



What You Will Learn: The far-reaching impact of hormones on the whole body (.45 sec) An overview of how essential oils support the hormone-brain axis (1.40 min) Dr. Anna’s bio and background (3 min) How Dr. Anna became interested in integrative women’s health and what led her to be a renowned women’s health advocate (6.40 min)  Why one would want to extend their hormonal cycle. (11 min) Why hormones are so important, and which are the key players in overall health. (12 min) The “school of hormones” including the students (estrogen, progesterone, vitamin D, and DHEA), professors (cortisol, insulin, adrenaline), and the dean (oxytocin) (13 min) The importance of connection and oxytocin for healing hormones (16.20 min) Key factors that throw off hormones (16.50 min) Ways to balance insulin and stress for hormone health (19 min) The many roles of oxytocin and how to enhance it to support hormone balance (20 min) The most healing thing one can do for hormone balance (21 min) Why balancing blood sugar