Mugglecast: The Harry Potter Podcast

40: Episode #40: Hatin' on Dumbledore



MuggleNet staffer Jess joins in the discussion! Pokeflutes wake Snorlax up; they don’t put them to sleep. DUH, Andrew. Laura provides a real-life example of the way people look at Lucius More parallels are drawn between real-world and wizarding-world governments Why is Lucius so hard on Draco? How much political influence does he have? Was Lucius in on a plot to abduct Professor Trelawney? We learn Ben tried to mingle with Jason Isaacs but was robbed of the opportunity by Leaky’s Sue and John Chapter by Chapter: Chapter 14 of Sorcerer’s Stone Hagrid can read? Why does Draco keep quiet about Norbert? Jess hates Dumbledore! This week’s Spy on Spartz completes Ben’s life Is it possible Dumbledore left a message for Harry via Hagrid? Kevin presents the evidence. Ben sounds off over the ongoing debate of Christianity in HP Favorites: Umbridge’s Educational Decrees Learn more about your ad choices. Visit