Exploring The Prophetic With Shawn Bolz

God Will Grow Your Business with Britney and Joshua Arcenaux (S:3 - Ep 73)



Today on Exploring the Marketplace, Shawn Bolz and Bob Hasson interview, Joshua and Britney Arceneaux.  Britney and Joshua are founders of Flying Cow which offers a variety of skincare products (balms, serums, soaps) from tallow aka “cow fat” and essential oils to help with a variety of skincare issues. Tune in as Shawn, Bob, Britney and Joshua share how it all started with Britney after having 4 babies, her cystic acne was painful and frustrating. As a last resort, she tried tallow. After using it for a while, she had less acne and her skin felt so good! She realized she found her answer!  Hear the amazing God story behind their business which started as a little skincare company in their kitchen in 2017, to now running a thriving online shop with 3 brick and mortar stores all over Texas.  Tune in!www.flyingcowtallow.com