Startup Diary

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"I haven't seen my family in 2 years and 6 months."Last week, as I wrapped up my final meeting in Dubai, a casual taxi ride back to the hotel turned into one of the most memorable and reflective moments of my trip.The driver greeted me with a warm smile that immediately drew me into conversation.It turns out even in Dubai I can't hide my lack of Football knowledge, as the chat kicks off with 'what team do you support?". He's an Arsenal fan and went on to let me know how the Champions League is shaping up.He shared a dream of his, to walk around the Emirates Stadium, 'one day', he said with a twinkle in his eye.He's been in Dubai for 2 years and 6 months, working from 4 pm to 4 am, 7 days a week.Once he's covered his living costs through his commissions and tips, no salary, he sends everything else home. His real home, not where he rests his head in Dubai, but where his family is back in Ethiopia.As he talked about his family I could feel both the pride and pain i