Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Traumas as a Disptacher, a Call Where a Deputy was Killed, Led to her CPTSD



Traumas as a Disptacher, a Call Where a Deputy was Killed, Led to her CPTSD. Her profound journey, navigating through the challenges of multiple officer-related shootings and coping with the ensuing post-traumatic stress. Her narrative touches upon her diagnosis of CPTSD and recounts a pivotal incident during her time as a dispatcher, where she experienced the loss of a deputy firsthand. The toll of her demanding role on her and her family underscores the importance of mental health awareness, therapy, and support within the realm of emergency responders. Her story serves as a testament to resilience, recovery, and the ongoing necessity of prioritizing mental health care, especially for retirees from the field.  Deborah Green is our guest. Her career in law enforcement spans over three decades, starting in 1986 as a Military Police Officer with the California National Guard, where she honed her sense of duty and discipline. Transitioning to the role of a dispatcher with the Sacramento Police Department in 199