Courting Liberty

PLF and NFIB Stand Up To U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service



Federal regulators are imposing regulations under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) that are contrary to the will of Congress and the strict letter of the law. Our Courting Liberty podcast details a new PLF petition that takes the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to task for a regulation that unlawfully extends the ESA’s broad “take” prohibition to all threatened species, contrary to clear congressional intent, the statute’s express language, and common sense. As a consequence, ordinary citizens and small businesses face massive potential fines and jail time for activities that Congress deemed legal. Join host Harold Johnson and PLF Staff Attorney Jonathan Wood for this podcast that describes a petition that seeks repeal of a regulation that, for 40 years, has been illegally applying the ESA’s take prohibition to threatened species. PLF’s petition was filed on behalf of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).