Apostle Sydney Quaye

Born of The Spirit - Preceeding Blessing



Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this dynamic podcast, Apostle Sydney Quaye delivers an interesting message on the power of being born of the spirit. With fervent conviction, he declares a year of blessings, urging listeners to tap into their spiritual identity and embrace divine favour. Apostle Sydney emphasizes the distinction between living in the flesh and living in the spirit, encouraging listeners to prioritize their spiritual growth and connection with God. Through uplifting scripture and insightful commentary, he instills hope and expectancy for supernatural breakthroughs. Listeners are inspired to shift their perspective from the natural to the supernatural, accessing the abundant resources of heaven for success and fulfillment. With unwavering faith, Apostle Sydney prophesies victory and abundance in every area of life.