Bulletproof Radio

How Dogs Are Going to Make You Live Longer: Rapamycin & Longevity – Matt Kaeberlein : 1145



How can we make our furry best friends live longer, healthier lives?A true pioneer in this field, Dr. Matt Kaeberlein, is here to unpack this important subject while highlighting the crossover between human and canine longevity. You read that right; this episode isn't just for dog lovers—it's a deep dive into longevity for humans, too. Dr. Matt Kaeberlein, who's the CEO of Optispan and a key figure in the Dog Aging Project, brings a wealth of knowledge from his distinguished career in aging and healthspan research. He's an Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington and a notable figure in gerontology, recognized by organizations like the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Gerontological Society of America. Matt's work is groundbreaking, demonstrated in over 250 scientific papers on aging, numerous prestigious awards, and he's even a Fellow of several aging associations. He's on a mission to unlock the secrets of aging, not just in humans, but in our four-legged comp