Ever Forward Radio

EFR 786: How to Raise Your Consciousness Using Questions & Mindfulness to Transform Your Daily Life with Danny Miranda



This episode is brought to you by LMNT and BUBS Naturals. Have you ever felt a shift in energy when walking into a new city or during a pivotal moment in your life? My conversation with Danny Miranda takes us on a journey through such vibrational landscapes, as we discuss mind-blowing concepts like muscle testing and David Hawkins' map of consciousness. We tap into how these tools can reflect the ebb and flow of our emotional states and even the collective pulse of the city you call home. There's a serene power in surrender, a lesson I've come to appreciate through meditation and making time for stillness. These moments spark a new approach to my podcast and real-life conversations, seeking authenticity and presence over meticulous preparation. Sharing a transformative encounter with Mike Posner, Danny reveals how letting go can lead to beautiful, organic interactions that stay with you long after the mic is off. Bringing our chat home, Danny shares a heartfelt story of growth and engagement, inviting us to