Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

"When a client leaves I have an overwhelming feeling of failure" & Q&A No.138



Time; 00:38 How should I approach previous cold leads for my group program? I have a load of Facebook contacts that expressed interest and I've messaged about previous intakes without reply, how can I warm them up and not just send another salesy message about joining the intake? Time; 3:45 What is a common mistake when making a lead magnet? Time; 6:07 What is the best way to take leads received through a giveaway, FB ad etc through a kind of 'process of elimination' so you end up with a smaller bunch of people at each stage and finish with a list who are more likely to buy? Time; 7:45 What advice would you give to someone starting a mailing list and would you say 1 email a week is enough to show knowledge and value to potential clients? Time; 9:55 When a client leaves I have an overwhelming feeling of failure, like i've not done enough or that Im not good at my job etc. How can I overcome this to make sure it doesn't effect other areas of my business? Time; 13:20 Wha