Manager Mojo with Steve Caldwell

Spend Your Time Where It is Most Valuable – a conversation with Victor Prince, trainer, speaker and author of Lead Inside the Box: How Smart Leaders Guide their Teams to Exceptional Results



  Victor Prince                 Spend Your Time Where It is Most Valuable  Managers must not be all things to all people. In fact, successful leaders are making deliberate choices each day about who needs to be on their team and who they should be investing time in. While it’s not uncommon for a manager to want to spend equal time with all team members, that isn’t a wise choice. Think of your time as an investment toward the result of achieving goals. While it seems natural to want to spend more time with those who are struggling and allow those who are having success to go off and do it, that thinking is backwards. By spending time with the ones who are producing the greatest results, a leader can expand success exponentially and achieve even greater results. If you are struggling with the many demands on your time, this conversation can be helpful toward making choices to invest your time wisely.   To learn more about Victor Prince and his work, check out the free tools at