Manager Mojo with Steve Caldwell

What Navy SEALS Know About Peak Performance Can be Used in Your Business – a conversation with best-selling author Steven Kotler on the current science of peak performance



Steven Kotler                 What Navy SEALS Know About Peak Performance Can be Used in Your Business Do you remember being “in the zone,” that moment when things seemed effortless, simple and done in record speed? Likely we all have been there at one time or another, but the moments are rare and fleeting. What if you could tap into those moments whenever you wanted to achieve a state of heightened performance? It’s possible and is currently happening. From Navy SEALS, to athletes and top performers in all genres, science is uncovering how maintaining states of peak, super performance can be achieved by hacking into the brains natural flow and coming to a greater understanding of your nervous system. Best-selling author Steven Kotler joined the Manager Mojo podcast to help all of us step up our game.   To connect with Steven and learn more about the current science of peak performance check out these websites -;;   Click here to c