Manager Mojo with Steve Caldwell

Stop Searching for Others’ Permission to Live Your Life – a conversation with Alan Weiss, acclaimed consultant, speaker, and author/publisher of more than 500 articles and 60 books



Alan Weiss               Stop Searching for Others’ Permission to Live Your Life  Are you achieving your goals or the goals someone else has for your life? Even if you think they are your goals, are you sure? Every day, insidiously, our power and control can be eroded if we let it. Often, we are allowing forces beyond our control, and even beyond our consciousness, affect how we make choices and decisions. How many times have you pushed yourself exercising because of being with others in exercise class? Have you ever stayed seated on an airplane because the seatbelt light was on, and you needed to use the bathroom? Then you see someone else heading to the restroom and you use that as permission to get up? We are allowing others to determine what we do in life, and we don’t realize it. Start living your life consciously and deliberately. This conversation Steve had with Alan Weiss, co-author with Marshall Goldsmith of Lifestorming – Creating Meaning and Achievement in Your Career and Life will begin to