Manager Mojo with Steve Caldwell

Leadership Requires Getting in the Trenches and Doing, Not Just Learning – a conversation with Joshua Spodek, bestselling author of “Leadership Step by Step” and an Adjunct Professor for Columbia Business School



Joshua Spodek                 Leadership Requires Getting in the Trenches and Doing, Not Just Learning Great leaders have developed their ability to connect with others by learning about and understanding what motivates each individual. They recognize that we each bring a different view of the world to work because of varied life experiences. As you are leading a team, how are you connecting to what interests each team member? Are you clear about what motivates each one to do and be their best? When leaders connect with people and their motivations they are tapping into the reasons why those individuals want to excel. Help them to find the joy they desire and the success they are working toward by connecting to what they are motivated by. Successful leaders help team members uncover a sense of ownership to the team, not simply give them reasons to be compliant. This podcast will explain why leaders need to get in the trenches and actively lead others. Understanding leadership principles in the classro