Manager Mojo with Steve Caldwell

Successful Change Requires Listening and Storytelling – an insightful conversation with Seth Kahan, author of the books Getting Change Right and Getting Innovation Right



Seth Kahan                   Successful Change Requires Listening and Storytelling It seems to be hard wired in the human condition to dislike change. Some of us are more welcoming of it than others, and when you are in management you can really feel the push-back from those desperately wanting to avoid it. Why does this happen and is there any way around it? It happens because far too often we as leaders are more interested in presenting the strong case of why it needs to happen, trying to convince that it is for their good, rather than pausing for a moment and just listening. Remember when we used to have true conversations and tried to understand through someone else’s eyes? That just may be a good idea today if you want to execute successful change. While you’re at it, if you can perfect your storytelling abilities, you may have found a strong combo to support the upcoming change initiative. This podcast will provide insights on executing successful change, and you’ll get a bonus discussion about