Manager Mojo with Steve Caldwell

Don’t Be a Leadersh*t Skid Mark – Get a whiff of the stench being left by many of today’s leaders and learn what Brian Harman, author of “Learn, Laugh, Lead: How to Avoid a Huge Leadersh*t” says could be the giant roll of TP the world has been waiting for



Brian M. Harman                   Don’t Be a Leadersh*t Skid Mark  It is no secret, that with all the training and coaching available today, the world is widely devoid of great management and leadership. Why does the ability of people in supervisory and managerial positions suffer so greatly?  All the circumstances in your life have been and are opportunities to practice good leadership.  Leaders must understand how powerful they can be with a well-planned message.  Is your mojo coming through to the team?  As Brian M. Harman says in his book Learn Laugh Lead – How to Avoid a Hugh Leadersh*t, “Are you going to be a skid mark in the pants of life, or are you going to be the leader needed?”  That’s a great question for all of us to ask, and you can begin with the insight Brian shares in this podcast.   Learn more about Brian Harman and his free storytelling webinars by clicking here.  Check out his book, Learn, Laugh, Lead: How to Avoid a Huge Leadersh*t by clicking here.     Click here to check