Renegade Radio

#21 'FAQ Friday'- Getting your Priorities Straight with Dr. Todd



The Renegade Family Podcast is empowering Family's and Individuals to emerge from the 'mainstream' ideologies that are pushed upon us by so called 'Professionals' in regards to health, happiness and general wellbeing...
Unfortunately, the message from these 'Professional's' often dances around the truth, and instead presents us with what is going to be best for their profits, not Your Health or the Health of your family.

Join Dr. Todd Gignac as he teaches and interviews some of the most influential and sometimes controversial figures in the industry as they desire to uncover the REAL TRUTH about Health and how YOU can benefit by it.

So, if you are interested in becoming a 'dissenter of the Status Quo', and finding out how to truly be happy, healthy and vibrant, then become a part of The Renegade Family today, and see your life change for the better!