Tell Me Your Story

Brett Cotter - Stress is Gone


Synopsis April8 It's a 3-monthtraining to become a Certified MeditationTeacher - Trauma Specialist. I wanted to offeryour staff a 20% scholarship (on top of the 50% veteran scholarship). Justcurious of your thoughts, if that’s ok, and if you are interested in discussingthis. We also have anaffiliate program some of the other organizations listed in the scholarshiparea are using. It would provide your organization with a 10% affiliatecommission for any non-staff that register from your larger community reach(via email blast, social media post, etc). We also have acertification program coming in our new Suicide Prevention Protocol that we arenow training Vet-to-Vet Peer Specialists in. This protocol and training helppeer specialists become more confident, compassionate, and effective handlingsuicidal ideation conversations with veterans in crisis.