Apostle Sydney Quaye

Born of The Spirit - Enabling Blessing



Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church Join us on this enlightening episode of the Kingdom Mandate podcast with Apostle Sydney Quaye, where we delve into the profound truth of being born of the spirit. Drawing from John 3:6 and other scriptures, Apostle reveals the transformative power of understanding our spiritual identity. As believers, Apostle Quaye exhorts us to shift our focus from the superficial knowledge of the flesh to a deep understanding of our spiritual selves. Through Christ, we are not only made righteous, but also complete and accepted in the eyes of God. This revelation empowers us to live victoriously, knowing that we are ambassadors of heaven, equipped with the gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, Apostle Quaye declares a message of restoration and abundance, assuring listeners that shame and defeat have no place in the lives of God's children. With unwavering faith and a renewed understanding of our spiritual identity, we can con